“I apply it to my ball-cap style hat that I wear running. This keeps the biting flies away from my face for the duration of my run.”
BiTE ME NOT!™ Reviews
“We live in a fairly buggy area that has everything from ticks to horse flies. We were looking for something that didn’t leave a residue, was easy to apply and natural. Pros: Light scent, No residue, No discoloration of clothes, Keeps the bugs away, Easy to apply. Cons: Have to rub in. This is a lightweight product that definitely delivers. We have consistently been bite free when using this and reapplying at regular intervals. It would be nice to not have to rub this in each time, but the results are worth the effort and washing of hands.”
“I have been using this product for many years because I do not like Deet products but I do require something that is effective against Florida mosquitoes and noseems! It works perfectly without poisoning my body!!”
“Love how it smells and it works really well”
“I like the smell of this, and it did help with bugs staying away”
“I was working on an outdoor project in a place where there are a lot of mosquitos. I had fourteen bites the first day and was desperate to find something to keep the insects off. I didn’t want to spray myself with bug spray daily. I bought one of these but assumed a plastic band wouldn’t do much. Wrong. Nothing bit me when I wore it. I bought a bunch more (since they wear out over time) and wore one every day on the project. I’ve also given them to numerous people who work outdoors. They do have a bit of an odor, but that’s probably what keeps the mosquitos away. They don’t contain anything harmful, and you just wash your wrist when you go back inside. Highly recommended.”
“These bands are outstanding! They have successfully kept the mosquitos away (and normally I get “eaten alive.”) Their pleasant scent is long lasting–I’ve used the same 4 all summer (I wear them around my wrists and ankles.) As recommended, I store them in their original containers when not in use. I actually go one step further by then sealing them in a Ziploc bag. I highly recommend this product!”
“A must have. Nat’G even recommends this brand”
“These SAVED my life in the jungle in Belize!”
“Love this product! First learned about it at my daughter’s wedding in Bluffton, SC at Palmetto Bluff. Gorgeous place but the noseeums were awful. You just couldn’t stand to be outside. I noticed that all of the resort workers were not bothered at all…they were wearing this product! Have used it ever since.”
“Love this stuff!”
“I moved from Illinois to northern Minnesota in June 2020, for those who don’t know, there are ALOT of bugs in northern MN. Horseflies, biting teetsee flies, mosquitoes, and ticks. ALOT of ticks. Deep Woods Off is like a drug to these bugs here, has ZERO affect on them landing on me and especially my dogs. I found this, and decided to give it a try, THIS STUFF WORKS. The bugs are completely repelled, AND it smells fabulous. Its all natural which is another reason I bought it, and although my pooches don’t like me putting it on them, overall its the best product for them (and me!)”
“This the only non-DEET product I’ve ever used that actually works for me. and I’m that guy who otherwise draws all the mosquitos. I’ve been using it for~10 years, love it!”
“Amazing how well these work.”
“Our son has very bad reactions to mosquito bites. They blister and swell. We don’t want him constantly covered in bug spray. If he wears one of these on his wrists, the mosquitos don’t touch his arms. We lightly spray his legs to be extra cautious. The bands work very well.”
“I have been using these for years and they work well for most biting insects. Some are stubborn. Be sure to do ankles and cuffs (Don’t ask!) and keep the used Bugband Towelette with you – tuck it under a belt, … One problem: Occasionally bees think there are flowers nearby, this usually occurs in hot, dry weather. — Overall Bugband Towelettes are a very good product.”
“We brought a couple of these to Thailand and Cambodia for our toddler. They worked better then our spray. My daughter has not gotten any bug bites.”
“I like this product and could not find it anywhere else. Walmart came through with availability and a timely delivery. Now I can take my dog for a walk in the woods again!”
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